Youth Program

Our Youth Program is a concert dance style training program designed to accommodate dancers of any level between the ages of 3-19. We boast flexible dress code, affordable tuition options and costume costs as low as $40/class. There are no registration fees to join when you enroll by June 30, 2024. Families can also apply for a need-based scholarship by using the link above. Students participate in two student dance concerts a year, and may take advantage of our residency programs at the Kranzberg Arts Foundation. Career-minded students can also join our Junior Pack or Junior Company for additional Professional Development and performance opportunities. Details, schedule and pricing below. Fall classes begin Monday, August 12, 2024.

Scholarships are generously funded by Veterans United Foundation, Clark-Fox Family Foundation through Blueprint4Summer, Dana Brown Charitable Trust and individual donors.

  • To register for classes, use the ENROLL button above. Registration is FREE until June 30, 2024.

    Early registration is strongly recommended. There is NO penalty for dropping a class but we do not offer refunds.

    Registration is due June 30, 2024. Late registration will be accepted, but all families will be charged a $50 registration fee after the due date. No exceptions will be made. Any student who wishes to enroll after the semester has started will be subject to the $50 registration fee, a $50 late start fee and the full tuition for the month they are starting, regardless of start date. Even if your child is on a scholarship, full or partial, the above-stated fees must be paid after the stated deadlines in order to participate.

    Adding Classes After Initial Deadline

    Late sign up of any kind will be subject to the $50 registration fee if the change is made after the initial registration deadline. We always prefer your child request all the classes they think they may want to take and then scale back later if a school or other conflict is discovered, instead of the other way around.

    On-Time Registration

    On-time registration allows us to run our season efficiently, providing better service to our families. Late registration takes our focus away from our students and the work we are doing in class. It also makes it difficult for our gig-based artist community to plan and schedule their work lives for each upcoming season. Thank you for your understanding and support of our growth and business needs.

  • The Parent Social will be Friday, June 21 at our office at CIC @ Cortex (4220 Duncan Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110) from 6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. The social is open house. Attend to learn about our program, ask questions, and get support registering. Students are welcome, we will invite them to the game room.

    Families who do not attend the parent social or offer their availability to schedule a call with our program director will still be expected to understand the fee, performance and registration schedule outlined here. No exceptions will be made for families who are unaware of the payment schedules due to a lack of participation in these resources.

  • Attend the parent social or schedule a call with our Director, Arica Nyamsi, at (314) 546-1477.

    We no longer require orientation appointments for continuing students. However, we highly recommend families attend the parent social (see above) or schedule a call with our program manager to learn about the upcoming season. All families are expected to understand the fee, performance and registration schedules outlined here. No exceptions will be made for families unaware of the policies or payment schedules regardless of the reason, unless they have asked for reasonable accessibility support that has not yet been provided.

  • Youth classes can be paid for in one of two ways, class cards or monthly tuition.

    Class cards are recommended only if your child takes one class per week. The cost of class cards can be found in the table below. If you use class cards, we encourage you to switch to monthly tuition during performance months given the number of rehearsals during these months.

    Class Cards

    Advanced Reservation Drop In: $20

    Drop In: $25

    6 Class Card: $100

    8 Class Card: $120

    10 Class Card: $140

    12 Class Card: $160

    Monthly Tuition

    Prices listed are prices per month. For example, if your child is taking two classes a week, you will pay $100 per month.

    1 Class/week: $65

    2 Classes/week: $100

    3 Classes/week: $130

    4 Classes/week: $165

    Unlimited: $175

    Family Monthly Tuition

    If you have more than one child in our program, we consider the entire family as one relationship. To determine your family’s monthly tuition, we add the number of classes being taken each week for the entire family. We then apply the tuition fee for that number of classes plus a $25/month sibling fee. For example, if child A is taking one class and child B is taking two classes, you will pay $155/month (3 class/week fee of $130 + $25 sibling fee). If you have one child in the program taking three classes, you will pay $130/month.

    Tuition Due Date

    Tuition is due on the FIRST OF THE MONTH. A $25 late fee is required for all tuition payments paid on or after the 7th of the month. No exceptions will be made after the deadline of the 7th and all families are responsible for sending payment. To keep tuition rates low and accessible to more of our community, we do not use an automated payment system. This would require purchasing software which would lead to an increase in tuition. Instead, we ask that families create their own personal reminder to pay tuition by the first of every month. Calendar invites are also sent to all families to serve as a reminder. Late payments are disruptive and require additional administrative time to process. Therefore, unless you have previously arranged a later pay date and it is on the company calendar, late fees are firm.

    No Tuition Pro-Rating

    Monthly tuition fees are the same each month regardless of the number of rehearsals held in that month. In other words, we do not pro-rate tuition. Tuition is not pro-rated the first month of each season (August and January). Tuition during these months supports the many hours of preparation and organization required for hiring and training teaching artists, scheduling classes, and launching the new season. Similarly, tuition is not pro-rated the last month of each season (typically May and December). Tuition during these months supports the production of the student dance concert. To produce the show, our teachers work with students as much during this week as they do in a typical month and we need to fairly compensate them for their work.

    Tuition Payment

    We appreciate your payments using Venmo @Pack-Dance-STL and/or CashApp $PackDanceSTL. If Venmo asks for the last four digits of our phone number, please note the numbers they are requesting are 9164.

    At this time, we do not accept cash or check payments, but special arrangements can be made on a need basis. Please contact our program director, Arica Nyamsi, directly at for special circumstances.

    Student Performance Ticket Prices Ticket prices for 2024 student productions will be $20/ticket plus a $2/ticket processing fee.

  • Expectations

    Production Week is a very demanding week for our staff, families, volunteers and students. Please be prepared for early call times and late evenings. Students will be called to the theater at 4p.m. every day and will have end times as late as 8:30p.m. every evening. We try to offer catering as often as possible, but we ask that parents pack snacks and communicate any food allergies early and often. Traditional dance studios keep their students until 10:00p.m. or later for production weeks, but do not to keep our program accessible for our families. In return, we ask that you respect the schedule for the integrity of the artwork and avoid asking for last minute concessions when possible. Your child leaving early impacts the other students’ performances who have planned for the big week. The more support we get from families, the earlier we will finish each evening. Every effort will be made to call/text families for early release when possible.

    Supporting Our Students

    The healthiest way to navigate production week is to plan ahead, making sure all students’ needs are met with costuming, food, water and homework. We use this busy week as a teaching tool to remind our students that there are times when big life events will require extra time and energy. We guide them through preparedness, so they are resilient and ready for the future.

    How You Can Help

    During production week, we always need parent volunteers. We ask that you email us your availability if you’d like to support our productions. Another way to support is through donations for catering which are collected the week prior to performances.

  • Costume Fees

    Costume fees for ALL CLASSES are $40 and are due by September 30, 2024. We encourage families to pay over time for costume fees if needed. However, all costume fees must be paid by September 30, 2024 or a late fee of $5/class will be applied, increasing the total costume fee to $45/class. Costume fees are required for all of our classes, regardless of if the class performs in the student dance concert.

    Providing Equitable Fees To Our Families

    We use several strategies to keep our costume fees significantly lower than traditional dance studios and make our program accessible for all families. These strategies include pulling costume pieces from the studio’s costume closet and from students’ own closets, as well as charging the same costume fee across all classes and pooling those funds to pay for new costuming, as needed. To meet new costuming needs, all classes pay a costume fee, regardless of whether or not the class ultimately performs. This policy helps us keep our costume fees as equitable as possible and significantly lower than costume fees at traditional dance studios. At a traditional studio, costume fees can range between $65 and $200/dance, sometimes even higher. Traditional dance studios also require performance fees for every single class a student is enrolled in, which can range between $45 and $200/dance. As a school that strives to provide accessible and equitable dance opportunities, we ask that you respect the costume fee schedule and understand that all families are expected to contribute proportional to the number of classes they take. In addition, we ask that payments be made on time, so all students have costumes ahead of performance week.

  • Tiny Dancers is a strutured and creative movement practice for young artists age 3 -6. Our Tiny Dancers class consists of 10 - 15 minute micro-lessons in a variety of dance styles inlcuding Contemporary, Modern, Hip Hop, Tumbling, Jazz and more. There’s no need to purchase expensive shoes for our program. For our classical styles, like Ballet and Tap, we have shoes at the studio for your child to borrow each week. At this age, our kids grow fast and we have no idea if they want to make a career out of dance, so we’d rather offer a sustainable option.

    Tiny Dancers classes meet once a week on Saturdays as you can see from the class schedule listed below. Families can pay $25 to drop-in each week or purchase a class card. Class card prices and payment information can be found by expanding the Tuition & Pricing section above.

    Tiny Dancers pay a single costume fee of $40 due on September 7. Costume fees increase to $45 beginning September 8.

    Tiny Dancers perform in their own short concert on Saturday, November 16 at 11:00a.m. and have an optional second concert opportunity for the performance weekend.

    To register for the Tiny Dancers program, please click here.

  • The adaptive dance program offers a universally accessible dance class for children with disabilities. Taught by occupational therapy students and trained adaptive dance instructors, this class offers the opportunity for children of any ability to engage in dance. The goal is to provide an enjoyable, inclusive and safe dance environment.

    Adaptive Dance is offered on Saturdays 11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. August 17 - November 16, 2024

    Pricing can be found under Tuition & Pricing above. We recommend using a class card to pay for Adaptive Dance classes. Click here for more information or to enroll.

  • Planning a dance-themed birthday party? Pack Dance can help! Our talented team of over 30 artists can teach almost any style of dance you can think of! Tik Tok fads? Social dance styles? Hip Hop? Princess parties? We've got all the moves. Pricing for parties range based on the location (our place or yours?), the age of the children, anticipated attendance and if you want costumes included in the package. To get a quote, visit our Parties page by clicking here and fill out the request form.

  • One-on-one lessons are a great idea for students who start dance later and want a little extra support, or for career-minded students looking to grow their skills faster. Private lessons start at $85/hour or a package of six lessons for $450. Book your lesson and see more pricing options on our Private Lessons page by clicking here.

  • First Day of Classes
    Monday, August 12, 2024

    No Teen Hip Hop or Kpop
    Monday, September 2, 2024

    Costume Fees Due
    Monday, September 30, 2024

    Fall Fête
    Saturday, October 19, 2024

    Halloween Performance
    Saturday, October 26, 2024

    No Classes
    Thursday, October 31, 2024

    Tech Week
    November 11 - November 14, 2024

    Student Dance Concert
    November 15, 16 & 17, 2024

    Last Day of Classes
    Sunday, November 24, 2024

    Registration Opens for 2025
    Monday, November 25, 2025

    Pack Kids Holiday Party
    Saturday, December 7, 2024

    Window Walk Performances
    Saturday, December 14 & 21, 2024

    Last Day to Register for Free
    Monday, December 16, 2024

    Register for $50 Through
    Sunday, January 12, 2025

    Semester Begins
    Monday, January 13, 2025

    Registration after January 13 is $100

Youth Class Schedule


5:00p.m. - 5:55p.m.

Teen Contemporary

6:00p.m. - 6:55p.m.

Teen Hip Hop

7:00p.m. - 7:55p.m.

Teen Kpop

5:00p.m. - 5:55p.m.

Youth Jazz & Poms

6:00p.m. - 6:55p.m.

Youth Contemporary


5:00p.m. - 5:55p.m.

Junior Company (by audition only)

6:00p.m. - 6:55p.m.

Freestyle & Cypher


5:00p.m. - 5:55p.m.

Youth Hip Hop

6:00p.m. - 6:55p.m.

Youth Ballet

5:30p.m. - 6:30p.m.

Teen Popping

10:00a.m. - 11:10a.m.

Tiny Dancers (age 5 - 6)

12:30p.m. - 1:30p.m.

Teen Ballet

1:30p.m. - 2:15p.m.

Pointe (by invitation only)

10:00a.m. - 11:00p.m.

Teen Stretch

Teen Contemporary Jazz

4:00p.m. - 4:55p.m.


Junior Pack (by audition only)

4:00p.m. - 4:55p.m.

Teen Tap

4:00p.m. - 4:55p.m.

Youth Modern

4:00p.m. - 4:55p.m.


Halloween Rehearsal

4:30p.m. - 5:30p.m.


Tiny Dancers (age 3 - 4)

9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.

Adaptive Dance (all ages)

11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m.


Teen Improvisation

9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.